:)j7U3u 8pd&3G+ TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-conic( Word檔 )
n00z8B1j(l TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-3D compound( Word檔 )
l~ TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-trough(cylinder) and compound trough( Word檔 )
M`(;>Kp7 TracePro-Creating a solid model-reflector-rectangluar concentrator( Word檔 )
3|jn,?K)N 時程表-tracepro&zemax.xls
(&k')ff9K What's new in TracePro 3.1-中文版( Word檔 )
+ 2OZJVJ What's new in TracePro 3.1-原廠( Powerpoint檔 )
p0 Creating a solid model-fresnel lens( Word檔 )
1R*1BStc Creating a solid model-lens element( Word檔 )
xiEcEz'lk Creating a solid model-primitive solid-thin sheet( Word檔 )
3F;EE: Creating a solid model-primitive solid-torus and sphere( Word檔 )
58 kv#;j Creating a solid model-primitive solid-cylinder and cone( Word檔 )
ykJ+%gla Creating a solid model-primitive solid-block and sphere( Word檔 )
DZ,<Jmg&e* The User Interace-Modeless dialog boxes( Word檔 )
mSy|&(l The User Interface-Object and Surface( Word檔 )
n<=y"* The User Interface-the main windows and the system tree ( Word檔 )
Ca$y819E2 The User Interface-the main menu and tool bars( Word檔 )
=P1RdyP The User Interface-multiple model in multiple views( Word檔 )
hjw4Xzju How does TracePro implement solid modeling( Word檔 )
gfV]^v Why Solid Modeling( Word檔 )
\A` gK\/h Introduction( Word檔 )
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