Check the coordinate shown on the spot diagram will give some idea the seperation based on the "Refer To" you choose under this analysis tool. M!kSt1 x5CMP%}d The test version of this tool also give some values about x and y radius respectively. Some operands in merit funciton can also provide you this information.
2012-07-19 12:41
hopebox:Check the coordinate shown on the spot diagram will give some idea the seperation based on the "Refer To" you choose under this analysis tool. _
,s^ The test version of this tool also give some values about x and y radius respectively. Some op .. (2012-07-16 23:09) 0U@#&pUc
hopebox:Check the coordinate shown on the spot diagram will give some idea the seperation based on the "Refer To" you choose under this analysis tool. $pES>>P The test version of this tool also give some values about x and y radius respectively. Some op .. (2012-07-16 23:09) &u2;S?7m
gHe:o` maybe you are using a version that's too old that does not have these values shown on the diagram. But you should still be able to see these info under Text version of the analysis and with the right opernads under merit function. hp~q!Q1= nQiZ6[L