摘要:本文主要論述了幾何光學與波動光學的發(fā)展史,及幾何光學的基本原理和波動光學中的衍射現(xiàn)象,通過直線傳播和衍射現(xiàn)象的分析,我們可以得出幾何光學是波動光學的一級近似。 lZ-U/$od 關鍵詞:幾何光學 波動光學 關系 Wz'!stcp Geometrical optics and wave optics jvB[bS`<H Wei Hai Yan (-WRZLOQ (Dept. Phy., Baoji Coll. Arts & Sci. , Baoji 721007) i6KfH\{N Abstract: This paper main discuss the development of geometrical optics and wave optics ,basic principle of geometrical optics and diffraction of wave optics. We can attain the geometrical opticsis the approximation of wave optics by the analysis of linear propagation and diffraction . &NBH'Rt Keywords: geometrical optics wave optics ralation AZQQge