wxhh |
2010-04-25 14:02 |
A b stract:C om b in ation of dual-surface len s,m icrolens,elliptical cylinder,fl at—fl at—cy lindri'cal lens w ere adopted in (YrR8 ord er to m in im ize d ivergen ce an gle at the d iff erent pro cessing speed axis sen d out from L D ,an d redu ce co sts in 9P0yv3 beam ’S resh ap in g for L D .Sim p le deri v ation an d com pu tatio n w ere also don e w ith exp ecta tion to chan ge th e b eam waQtr,m) into ofa parallel one w itll a very narrow w idth to em bed th e fiber.Processability an d probability ofadjustm ent of l5HWZs^ th is com b ination in experim ent w ere displayed as w el1.M oreover,th e com bin ation has m an y advan ta g e, sim ple e— lY,/
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