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cyqdesign 2019-12-17 11:41


英國《自然》雜志網(wǎng)站日前公布了2019年十大杰出論文,接近室溫的超導體、精確編輯基因技術、海王星新衛(wèi)星等紛紛入選。其中,中國研究占到兩席,分別是來自復旦大學的亨廷頓舞蹈癥新療法,與中科院上海有機化學研究所的點擊化學新成果。 wbk$(P'gN  
亨廷頓舞蹈病患者通常中年發(fā)病,表現(xiàn)為舞蹈樣動作,隨著病情進展逐漸喪失說話、行動、思考和吞咽的能力,直至走向死亡。復旦大學的科學家們關注到一種可以利用的機制:細胞通過自噬過程來降解突變后的亨廷頓蛋白(mHTT) 引起的,這是一種清理機制,它依靠一種叫做自噬小體的囊泡,來吞噬蛋白質。于是團隊假一種化合物可以令突變的亨廷頓蛋白被吞噬,增強清理效果?茖W家們做了小分子篩選來找出這樣的化合物,最終發(fā)現(xiàn)4種化合物能改善亨廷頓舞蹈病患者的病情。而其他涉及多聚谷氨酰胺擴展的疾病,也可能用這種方法打開突破口。 l<(jm{q?u  
如果反應操作簡單、高產(chǎn),又可以應用于許多化合物,但選擇性極高,就是說發(fā)生反應的基團只能在彼此之間反應——這樣的反應就叫做點擊化學。而中科院上海有機所團隊發(fā)現(xiàn)一種安全、高效合成罕見的硫(VI)氟類無機化合物FSO2N3(氟磺;B氮)的方法。于是,團隊造出了一個擁有1224個疊氮化物的庫,庫里面的化學反應,速度、廣泛程度以及效率都達到了點擊化學的標準。 DK'S4%;Sp  
還有八篇入選的論文包括: YUyYVi7clq  
fEt BodA)  
魚類體內(nèi)盛產(chǎn)人體需要的微量元素——科學家們?yōu)?3個國家和地區(qū),“畫”出了367種漁獲物當中的養(yǎng)分和這類疾病流行情況之間的關系圖; G,1g~h%I$  
海王星又有一顆衛(wèi)星被發(fā)現(xiàn)——第七顆內(nèi)衛(wèi)星正式出現(xiàn),被命名為Hippocamp; IJ:JH=8  
接近室溫的超導導體——當壓強達到100萬個地球大氣壓強的時候,富含氫的氫化鑭們能在250K左右時變成超導體,離室溫的295K已并不遙遠; Adfnd  
CRISPR精確編輯基因——過去的在基因編輯工具效率和精度都受到一定限制,而新的CRISPR工具,已經(jīng)可以精確地編輯基因,幾乎完全避免了之前的缺陷。 & IsPqO  
格陵蘭冰蓋下甲烷釋放——冰川和冰蓋下的沉積物蘊藏著碳化合物,在某些條件下可轉化為甲烷這種溫室氣體; Id>I.e4  
父系線粒體DNA遺傳——以往觀點認為,線粒體和mtDNA僅從母親處遺傳,但新研究顛覆了這一認知,確定由雙親線粒體遺傳引起的mtDNA異質性的三種情況。 N| P?!G-=  
可奔跑的機器狗——機器人的步態(tài)運動和手動靈活性通常較差,但用數(shù)據(jù)驅動的方法設計機器人軟件,可以提高其運動技能,使一只四足機器狗精確、節(jié)能地運動起來。 =rkW325O  
lufan 2019-12-18 00:03
redplum 2019-12-18 00:16
likaihit 2019-12-18 00:17
tassy 2019-12-18 01:53
mang2004 2019-12-18 02:00
Micronutrient richness of global fish catches — Daniel Pauly !-&;t7R  
Fish are a source of micronutrients that help to prevent nutrient-deficiency diseases. For 43 countries, Hicks et al. mapped the relationship between the fish-derived nutrients available from fisheries’ catches and the prevalence of such diseases. Their data demonstrate that catches in some developing countries should be enough to meet the key micronutrient needs of their populations. However, in many developing tropical countries, a substantial proportion of local fish catches are either exported or processed locally to generate fishmeal that is then exported and used to feed farmed fish. Many of the local fisheries (pictured), which had traditionally supplied the regional markets, now instead supply fishmeal plants. This does not reduce the pressure on wild fish. Moreover, it deprives people on low incomes of previously affordable, nutritious local fish. Original research: Nature 574, 95–98 (2019). .&8a ;Q?c  
J: I@kM  
Selective clearance of mutant huntingtin protein — Huda Y. Zoghbi F%O+w;J4  
Huntington’s disease is caused by an abnormally long stretch of glutamine amino-acid residues in the huntingtin (HTT) protein. Cells degrade the mutant huntingtin (mHTT) through autophagy — a clearance mechanism that involves engulfment of proteins by a vesicle called the autophagosome. Li et al. hypothesized that compounds that bind to both the mutant polyglutamine tract and the protein LC3B, which resides in the autophagosome, would lead to engulfment and enhanced clearance of mHTT. The authors conducted small-molecule screens to identify candidate compounds, and used wild-type HTT in a counter-screen to rule out compounds that bind to the normal version of the protein. They found encouraging evidence that four compounds could produce functional improvements in models of Huntington’s disease across three species. This therapeutic strategy might also be useful for other diseases involving expanded polyglutamine tracts. Original research: Nature 575, 203–209 (2019). Q|U [|U  
Picture of Neptune from Voyager 2. 1qm*#4x  
Credit: NASA/JPL %u2",eHCB  
A new moon for Neptune — Anne J. Verbiscer k[f_7lJ2  
In 1989, the NASA spacecraft Voyager 2 detected six moons of Neptune that are interior to the orbit of the planet’s largest moon, Triton. Showalter et al. report the discovery of a seventh inner moon, Hippocamp. Originally designated as S/2004 N 1 and Neptune XIV, this moon was found in images taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope in 2004–05 and 2009, and then confirmed in further images captured in 2016. Hippocamp is only 34 kilometres wide, which makes it diminutive compared with its larger siblings, and it orbits Neptune (pictured) just inside the orbit of Proteus — the planet’s second-largest moon. The discovery of Hippocamp is intriguing because of the moon’s relationship to Proteus and the role that both objects might have had in the history of Neptune’s inner system. Original research: Nature 566, 350–353 (2019). XPnHi@x  