Design and modeling of optical engine for LC rear projection display Kn,td:(
Weng Zhi-Cheng, Zhang Zeng-Bao e6gLYhf&
The State Key Lab. of Applied Optics, ChangChun Institute of optics, fine mechanics and physics, Ld?'X=eQ
Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box: 1024 ChangChun P.R. china (130022) TX).*%f[r
Based on analyzing the LC rear projective TV system, The OE (optical engine) for three penal LCoS rear projection TV ,#U[)}im
system has been designed and modeled, The OE (optical engine) of LC rear projection display is the main component of _"[Ls?tRX
the system, and it directly affects final performance, so the design of good color performance, high brightness and $Ts;o
contrast and high optical efficient is the key of the system. From a commercial viewpoint, a compact size and light wDDNB1_E
weight design makes it more competitive. LightTools software has a great many of powerful functions, such as W5,&*mo
modeling of optical system, analysis of illumination, modeling of machine structure, analysis of polarization and design 5
of optical coating. We have used LightTools to analyses and optimize a whole optical engine of three penal LCoS =z[$o9
projection display including illumination system, dividing and recombining of colors system, projection lens. At the end &a.A8v)
evaluated the performances of optical engine (parameters of output, uniformity, contract, resolution and so on). M@+Pq/f:
Keywords: optical engine, illumination system, projection display, LCoS