yvo~'k#c -!( lpkg(J#& Action: Display a OPL plot for the active model.
~1YL Syntax: (analysis:opl-plot)
<Ft6d Arg Types:
e47JLW&b Returns: boolean
%7BVJJp2 Errors: returns #f if no model is active
^\ &:'$f+8 Description: see action
VY8p[` Limitations: Not applicable
Ky`rf}cI> Example: ;Example of various TracePro Scheme commands
W?{:HV ;setup the source and lens
|E-0P=h (insert:lens-element "Schott" "BK7" 50 7.8 -35 12.7 )
/E(H`;DG ;;#[entity 1 1]
y|b|_eE?{ (raytrace:set-grid-boundary-annular 5)
S4kGy}{+i ;;()
W;*rSK|(Sc (raytrace:set-grid-origin (position 0 0 -10))
M*| y&XBe ;;()
QOIi/flK (raytrace:set-grid-pattern-circular 10 1)
Okca6=2" ;;()
(raytrace:set-grid-orientation-direction-vectors (gvector 0 0 1) (gvector 0 1 0))
vBsd.2t~ ;;()