vN'+5*Cgy6 !+%gJiu: Focus Merit Function Target Tab
. vb##D This tab contains diagnostic data that can help you improve your optimization.
He(65ciT<O • Focus To
)&@YRT\c?8 A?H#bRAs – Receiver Center - This is the default setting for the Focus merit function. Focuses to the center of the receiver (which is X, Y = 0, 0 by default).
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3 – Rays Centroid - Focuses to the centroids of X and Y. Use this option when the final location for the rays in unknown prior to optimization.
"[N2qJ}p ENZym – Line Along X - Focuses rays along the X axis at the location specified by the value for Y.
~ ~HB#7+b – Line Along Y - Focuses rays along the Y axis at the location specified by the value for X.