G=-M T<mk98CdE 2d centered Fourier transform,居中的傅里葉變換
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hm&{l|u{RU % Citation for this code and algorithm:
g{$#+ % Tatiana Latychevskaia and Hans-Werner Fink
%]nLCoQh % "Practical algorithms for simulation and reconstruction of digital in-line holograms",
Yp- % Appl. Optics 54, 2424 - 2434 (2015)
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P5%DvZB$w % The code is written by Tatiana Latychevskaia, 2002
na?jCq9C % The version of
Matlab for this code is R2010b
U3&*,xeU@H (IAl$IP63s function [out] = FT2Dc(u0);
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