工作于紅外波段的圖像探測器普遍存在著靈敏度差、效率較低、價格昂貴等缺點。通過頻率上轉換的方法將紅外圖像信息轉換到可見光波段,然后采用性能優(yōu)、價格低的可見光波段圖像探測器,是解決紅外圖像探測的一種行之有效的方法。相襯增強成像技術是一種重要的圖像處理技術,將螺旋相襯邊緣增強技術與非線性和頻過程相結合來實現(xiàn)紅外圖像信息的上轉換邊緣增強,對圖像處理和探測具有重要的意義。 史保森、周志遠團隊長期從事結構光場的非線性頻率轉換相關研究,先后研究了渦旋光束的倍頻、和頻過程中的傳輸、演化和守恒特性,并且發(fā)展了單光子結構光場的頻率上轉換探測技術。他們通過在上轉換成像過程引入渦旋泵浦光,利用準相位匹配PPKTP晶體作為螺旋濾波和頻率上轉換介質,成功實現(xiàn)了紅外光照射下物體邊緣增強的上轉換探測。同時,通過調(diào)控非線性過程中的相位匹配,實現(xiàn)了最高2.1倍的視場增強。實驗結果與求解非線性耦合波方程數(shù)值模擬的結果很好地吻合。 相關鏈接:https://journals.aps.org/prapplied/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.11.044013 |
13169872681 2019-04-15 16:28
dushunli 2019-04-15 17:02圖像轉換!
星空38 2019-04-15 20:43中國科大實現(xiàn)紅外圖像到可見圖像轉換
flash閃 2019-04-15 20:48好好學習天天向上
mang2004 2019-04-15 22:43Up-Conversion Imaging Processing With Field-of-View and Edge Enhancement
Shi-Kai Liu, Chen Yang, Shi-Long Liu, Zhi-Yuan Zhou, Yan Li, Yin-Hai Li, Zhao-Huai Xu, Guang-Can Guo, and Bao-Sen Shi
Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 044013 (2019) – Published 4 April 2019
Spiral phase contrast (SPC) imaging is an important technique in edge detection. For infrared wavelengths, though, typical charge-coupled-device detectors are inefficient, slow, and noisy; to exploit them, one should instead work in the visible part of the spectrum. Here up-conversion SPC imaging is realized, based on sum-frequency generation, which also has the advantage of enhancing the field of view. This versatile technique is quite promising for e.g. reagent-free biological imaging, pattern recognition, and up-conversion edge detection.
Spiral phase contrast (SPC) is an important and commonly used image processing technology in edge detection applications, and realization of a broader field-of-view (FOV) is a long-pursued aim in imaging systems to allow more regions of the illuminated objects to be observed. Using the image processing technologies described, we first acquire both an enhanced FOV and SPC images using second-order nonlinear frequency up-conversion from the near-infrared (NIR) spectrum to the visible spectrum in two different configurations. In addition, SPC operation and sum-frequency generation using two different wavelengths is performed simultaneously within a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystal by applying a vortex filter to the pump beam. When compared with the NIR spectrum, the up-converted image in the visible spectrum benefits from the advantages of higher detection sensitivity and lower potential speckle. By optimizing the temperature of the PPKTP crystal, controllable spatial patterns of up-converted images with observation cone angle enhancement of the FOV by more than 2.1 times is realized in both configurations. Additionally, we perform numerical simulations of the above phenomenon and the results agree well with those of the experimental observations. Our results provide a very promising image processing method that may be widely used in biomedicine and up-conversion monitoring applications.
未來天氣 2021-03-24 11:56就想看看圖像是怎么樣子的。是不是還原成了可見光的圖像。